Growing Grass when Having Pets


As individuals, we have likes and preferences. Some individuals like to grow grasses and lawns around their house. They love to grow beautiful lawns for different aesthetic purposes. But what would these individuals do if they have pets around? Pets like dogs, cats, and the likes that are very likely to destroy lawns and grasses due to their hyper and lively nature. More so, they also tend to scratch and dig the floor surface a lot, resulting in grass damage. If you have pets, apart from maintaining your LAWNSANDGRASSES during particular seasons, you must importantly consider how to grow and maintain them when having pets. How then can you grow grasses when you have pets at the same time? The thought of having pets while growing lawns and grasses might alone seem daunting but it is not impossible.

In this informational content, we are going to consider how to grow grass and lawns when having parts. After a thorough read of this article, you would be able to have a reliable knowledge of how to combine both. Please, follow through.

Guidelines to Follow

Wait for Adulthood

The truth is that you would most likely find it very frustrating and unappealing if your pet(s) is still in its miniature state and you are growing grass. Growing grass is a very delicate process that a miniature pet would most likely not be able to work with. The thing is that miniature pets are still in their development stage and tend to be very restless and lively. Out of their restlessness, they can ruin the grasses you are growing. For you to relate well with what we are stating here, we would use a puppy to explain and drive home the point. If you have a puppy, you cannot stop it from walking about the house (unless you want to affect its growth and bone development).

At that development stage, puppies tend to be very active. They move around the house so frequently. They tend to make a whole lot of mess around the house. They can either pull down a painting, disorganize arranged items, and things like that. This is their development stage and you most likely cannot stop it. Now, if you are growing grass in this kind of situation, you are in for a lot of frustrating work. Grasses at their early stage are very fickle and tender, they need a lot of care. You cannot subject grasses to harsh conditions and expect them to grow well. Chances are very high that your puppy would stray into that growing lawn. The movement of the puppy alone damages the branches and tender roots of the grass. You would be frustrated growing your grass all over again times without numbering.

If your situation is such that you have to grow the grass when having pets, you can still work something out. This is what you can do. If your pet is still in its miniature state, you could consider outdoor walks and stretches. For you to do this you have to take health safety guidelines and precautions from your vet doctor. The guidelines and precautions are to ensure your puppy’s health safety as it is still in its development stage. After taking these health guidelines, you can then schedule outdoor activities and walks for your puppy. This way, the puppy would be tied to its personal space except on outdoor walks. This would prevent your puppy from trampling on the grass. You would then be able to care for your grass and puppy at the same time.

As we have stated earlier, the puppy explanation is to make you get the logic of pets and growing grass and lawns. Therefore, the above guide applies to all pets.

Consider a Pet-friendly Grass

This guide is very important if you must grow grass with pet(s) and your veterinary doctor advises against an outdoor walk for your pet(s). You have tried the option of walking your pet out to avoid it trampling on the grass, but to no avail because of doc’s advice. You can then get a pet-friendly grass to grow. Some grasses are trampling-resistant and can grow under harsh conditions. These grasses are not harmed by your pet. They have deep roots and long branches which makes them fit this bill.

The Zoysia grass family is very ideal to grow when having pets at the same time. They are very sturdy and can grow well even with frequent foot trampling. Manila and Emerald are recommended Zoysia grass types that many trusts. After growing anyone of this type of grass, you should ensure to apply fertilizer at least up to three times in eleven months. This would help enhance the growth and grass strength as your pet tramples on it. Also, do not forget, apply anti-pest sprays at weekly intervals to ensure the healthy growth of your grass. Watch HERE for more variety when it comes to pet-friendly grasses.

Have yard partitions

This is also another very good option if you want your pet to have a reasonable amount of freedom around the house. This is especially ideal and useful if you have a pet that is very active and vivacious. You do not have to worry about confining it to a particular space or getting pet-friendly grass. The difference here is just that your pet does not have the whole house space to roam around.

All you have to do is to partition your yard for different purposes. Your grass yard should be separated from other yards and house spaces. You could divide with iron wires. When making a partition for your grass yard separate from other yards you should ensure that the heigh of the yard is reasonably high. Why is this so? It is because if you make a very short partition in height, your pet might be able to climb or jump in. More so, you should also give attention to making the partition strong. You do not want to use weak material that your pets could easily destroy and get into the grass yard. You should allow the grass to reach maturity before you allow your pets to walk on it at all. This way, the grass lawn would be strong enough to withstand pet trampling as it is no longer in its development stage.

Purchase Artificial Grass

You can save yourself the frustration and stress that comes with growing grass when having pets by purchasing artificial grass. This is not natural grass but it looks exactly like naturally grown grass. You do not have to stress yourself at all with this method. No seed planting, fertilizing, and all. All you have to do is to buy the grass and lay it in the particular yard that you want. What makes artificial grass very stress-free? The thing is that you do not have to worry about trampling and spillage of liquid. With artificial grass, your pets can trample on it, it would not get damaged. More so, it is only on very rare occasions that your pet would be able to scratch the grass off. If liquid-like pet urine gets spilled on it, you do not have to worry, it would still retain its green vegetative color.

Though this particular guide does not involve growing natural grass, it is still very useable. If you are not particular about natural grass, you could easily go for artificial grass as you can easily have it with pets around the house.

Developing your Grass into Maturity

Growing your grass into a mature state takes a considerable amount of time and patience, especially when you are growing with pets around. You have to take your time to water your grass at the development stage. Like it was stated earlier, you also need to fertilize at weekly intervals to avoid dangerous insects from stunting the growth. Once you do this well, you are sure to have a resulting healthy and green grass.

When your grass finally reaches considerable maturity, you could allow your pet(s) to move on it. But take these precautions.

Do not allow your pets to dig the grass. Better still, carve out a sand space in an area of the house for digging. Acclimatize your pets to this habit. In the course of your pet moving around the newly matured grass, there is a very high probability that it would urinate, or on some occasions, poop on the grass. You have to make sure to clean all these up. Clean up the poop and rinse off the urine with water. Make sure that your pet is well-hydrated for it to release clear urine, not one that would contain chemical substance(s) that could change the grass color in the long run. Putting all these in place would ensure you have very healthy and aesthetically appealing grass/lawn.

It is important to consider the health safety of your pets when you apply insecticides and sprays.

After how long is it safe for pets to come back on your grass after insecticide spray?

This is a very important question that most individuals tend not to pay attention to. Whenever you apply insecticide spray, your pet should stay away for some time. This is very important to avoid oral contact of your pet with the liquid residues of such sprays. So, whenever you spray your grass against insects and pests, you should keep your pets away for at least 45 hours. By this time, all liquid residue should have dried up and your pets are safe.

Though it is very stressful, you can grow grass when having pets. You just need to be very meticulous about it and dedicated to it. You need to decide which of the guide works best for you and use such to your utmost advantage.


This informational content has been fully packed with all you need to be aware of when it comes to growing grass when having pets. Do you want to wait till your pets reach maturity or you want to do it while they are still in their development and miniature stage? You have all you need herein. Just be very thorough and follow through on the guides in this article, then you would come out with a worthy, healthy, and beautiful grass lawn.