How to Charge a Solar Charger


Today, renewable energy has gone overboard the more traditional electricity generation forms, such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar powers. Renewable energy has moved into more creative uses of these forms of technology.

All these were made possible due to the introduction of cheaper battery storage. And this allows renewable electricity to function around the clock. Whether the wind is blowing or the sun is shining at the point in time. One such use of the technology and even preferred among many people in the solar battery chargers. Several devices (handheld mostly) are being charged by energy from the sun through a solar charger technology.

What Is A Solar Charger?

As simple and obvious as it is, this is a device that uses light from the sun to generate electricity. The electricity generated is then used to charge electrical appliances such as mobile phones, laptops, reading lamps, personal fans, and car batteries. An extended-life battery pack is included with the device because these chargers cannot expel direct electricity into these devices. This way, the energy produced by the solar cells is deposited in the battery and can be discharged by using a charging supercapacitor later. This charging supercapacitor is the secret to charging devices on-demand, and though the battery is not in direct sunlight at the time of use. These solar chargers can vary in size from being fit to the palm of your hand up to the size of a picnic table to be used for charging larger items, such as an RV battery.

How to Charge A Solar Power Bank?

One of the simple curiosities many people have concerning solar-powered battery chargers is precisely how they should be charged. Although this seems like a simple and basic question, it’s a good question. It would be best if you did several things to ensure that your solar charger works perfectly well, that everyone who owns one should know about it.

If you don’t know some of these things, you could ruin your chances of getting the most out of your solar charger. You could even destroy your devices that are planned to charge. Nevertheless, there’s no cause for alarm. Knowing what to do to prevent this disaster is straightforward and straightforward. One of the first things to consider when you want to purchase your solar charger is the weather. Thus if you’re going to buy a good solar charger, you would need a clear day that lots of sunshine. If you set out your solar charger to charge on a day, the sky is cloudy. Then your charger will not charge very effectively.

When Clouds are over your device, it will disrupt the charging process, and your device will not be able to recharge effectively until the clouds are cleared off, and the sky is bright. You also want to make sure that the day you’ll be charging will not be a rainy day. Solar chargers have not been designed for a capacity where they can handle water. Hence leaving them out without protection may be very dangerous.

Another thing you have to try to do is keep your device at an angle of 90 degrees to the sun. If your battery is not held at an angle of 90 degrees, it is improbable that your solar charger will be able to recharge well enough. Solar chargers are fantastic. However, they’re also new technologies, and as such, they’re not able to optimize minimal sun exposure. If you’d like to get decent energy, you’re going to have to make sure that you have a great open direction so that your solar charger can maximize most of the panels.

Finally, you have to ensure that you do not plug your device into the solar charger while it’s charging in the sun. This is because you will not be able to control the charge’s consistency, so the idea of plugging your device into your solar charger while it’s charging in the sun could be harmful to your device. The highs and lows that occur in electrical current could prove to be very detrimental to your device. This is one of the most important things to put into consideration while using the solar charger.

How Does A Solar Charger Work?

In trying to understand how a solar charger works, it’s akin to both a traditional battery storage system and a solar photovoltaic system. When the surface of the device is struck by sunlight, the light from the sun is then absorbed by the individual solar cells that make up the solar device’s entirety.

The next process is that the sunlight produces photons that excite the electrons within the material, typically the silicon, to create an energy field. This energy field that is made is the power through which electrons can go through to a solar charger. The battery then holds the energy received till you want to charge any device compatible with it.

The next process is when a charge inverter, responsible for switching energy from DC (direct current) to AC(alternating current, transforms the energy back into a usable form. Keep in mind here that some devices utilize direct current electricity to power their batteries. In contrast, other devices make use of alternating current primarily. Also, some do not require the use of any charge inverter.

The energy is supplied out of the extended life battery and transferred to the desired electrical device in the final step. Although this process seems to be rather complicated, the end user requires nothing more than an exact sunlight supply and a few minutes to enjoy these devices’ benefits.

What Devices Can A Solar Charger Power?

Theoretically, almost all electrical devices can be powered by a solar engineered battery pack so long you are willing and have the patient wait. However, in practical terms, only specific devices can be realistically be powered using a solar engineered device. Some of these devices are; laptops(will be given sufficient time to charge), Mobile Phones(they are used more than once per day), RV batteries, and vehicles(requires several days to charge fully). And a host of other smaller devices depend solely on electrical energy like personal fans and reading lights.

Many consider these appliances useful when planning a camping trip or living an entire nomadic life on the go that does not necessarily require an electrical source. A peak supply voltage is suitable for powering any unit. This implies that the battery within the portable solar system is at full energy. This way, the solar battery can conveniently discharge into any device you want it to. This is because if you’re going to extend or prolong your battery’s life, it has to consistently drain its power down, ensuring that the solar unit can continue to store the rated volume of energy in full over time. Finally, keep in mind how often you will need to use the gadgets or appliances you expect to charge with a solar charger. This is because portable solar chargers will not be able to fulfill these more stringent specifications.


Charging a solar charger is not something left for only experts and professionals. The truth is, anyone can charge a solar charger as long as they have access to direct sunlight. Nevertheless, learning what you should get the most out of your solar charger is essential.